Here are the numbers of beds for COVID patients being cared for by CMC staff as on May 21st 2021.
Beds for COVID-19 Positive Patients
Type of Beds | Bed Numbers | Comments |
COVID non-ICU | 940 | All campuses (see below) |
COVID ICU | 121 | 12-bed ICU at Kannigapuram opened on 22/05/2021 |
Total Beds, COVID | 1,064 | All campuses (see below) |
These COVID bed numbers change from day to day. CMC has steadily increased the beds allocated for Covid since the start of the second wave in March 2021.

COVID Patients: Home Isolation
COVID Patient Location | Patient Numbers | Comments |
Home Isolation | 653 | Monitored by CMC team |
We will provide more information on this home care program soon.

CMC Summary Statistics
Cumulative Admissions till 20/05/2021 | 13,000 |
Cumulative COVID Tests till 20/05/2021 | >70,000 |
Udhavi Calls till 20/05/21 (helpline) | 231 |

Breakdown of Beds between Campuses
Location | L1&2 | ICU | Total |
Vellore Town Campus | 730 | 85 | 827 |
Kannigapuram | 168 | 36 | 192 |
Chittoor | 45 | 0 | 50 |
Total Beds | 943 | 121 | 1064 |
Kannigapuram ICU was inaugurated on May 13th 2021. Patients were then transferred from the main hospital to this new ICU. This was “to optimize patient distribution between the two campuses and better use the infrastructure and support services available in Kannigapuram campus.” See the transfer photos here: Transferring to Kannigapuram ICU.
Opening another 12 ICU beds….

CMC is getting another 12 ICU beds ready to open in Kannigapuram. They are getting together the staff for the ICU and hope to open over this weekend 22nd-23rd May 2021. You can see photos of patients being transferred from the main hospital to the new Kannigapuram beds earlier in May here: Transferring ICU patients.
Some of the equipment has been donated, or purchased with donations. Ventilators and oxygen concentrators are in high demand, and getting good quality equipment, at reasonable prices, which can be delivered quickly is challenging. Everything has to be set up and carefully checked. A team of CMC engineers, nurses and doctors worked tirelessly to get everything ready within a couple of days of the equipment arriving.
A big thank you to all the donors, suppliers and CMC staff who have made this possible.
We still need your help. Please pray for the staff and patients going through this second wave of the pandemic. If you can, please donate and help our staff and patients. Thank you.
You can read more about our current needs to fight COVID here: Fighting the COVID Pandemic.