CMC LogoTr (004)-250-250

Christian Medical College Vellore

Not to be ministered unto but to minister

Vision Statement: The Christian Medical College, Vellore, seeks to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, through excellence in education, service and research

Emergency Fund


The Emergency Fund was started in 2008 and supports more than 120 patients every year. The Emergency Fund solely depends on your gifts and contributions to help subsidise the cost of treatment for deserving patients!

Click here to read the Emergency Fund Report for April-September 2023

We believe everyone has the right to quality care.

Join us to bridge the gap for those who can’t afford it. Give to the Emergency Fund.”

Donate Today!

Every day thousands of suffering people come to CMC for healing. They come from all over India and the neighbouring countries. Many of them cannot pay for the treatment that they need. CMC tries its best to provide concessional or free care to the poor. But our resources are limited and the need is great.

The Emergency Fund

The Emergency Fund was set up to help our poor patients get treatment as quickly as possible. Many travel great distances for their loved one to get better. They spend all of their life savings, and more, on travel and accommodation leaving little for their treatment.

Others come to CMC and are not expecting a major illness. But when they are told about the diagnosis and the treatment needed, they know they cannot afford it. Some have an accident that needs immediate treatment to save their lives.

2 doctors treating a trauma victim in Accident & Emergency CMC Vellore
Doctors can apply to the emergency fund for trauma patients

Our dream is to never turn a patient away!

So, when a doctor sees a patient who needs urgent financial support, the doctor can apply for a grant from the emergency fund. This way the patient can get their treatment as quickly as possible without worrying about the finances.

How much?

Grants of up to ₹80,000 is given for a patient through the treating department. It can help patients needing ICU care, trauma care, expensive operations, cancer treatment, costly medicines, tests etc.

How can you help?

You can donate any amount for this fund. When you donate to the emergency fund, 100% of your gift will be used directly for patient care.

The Emergency Fund relies purely on donations from generous well-wishers. Kind friends, help us to do far more than is possible from our own funds. Help us “Bridge the Gap”.

emergency department or casualty in CMC full of patients
Our casualty is normally full. We do not want to turn anyone away due to lack of funds.

All donations will qualify for tax relief under S.80G: Details on Tax relief

Donation Information

Thank you for visiting our donations website. If you would like further information about any aspect of our charitable activities, or how to donate, please complete:

Make a Suggestion or Complaint

If you have any complaint or suggestions about your treatment at CMC please fill in the following:

One person dies every four minutes on India’s roads.

Act today. You can save a life!

Support CMC’s new Trauma Care Centre at the Kannigapuram Campus